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I'm Claudia Wallace. Along with my husband Jeff, we started a company called Tight Spot Productions. Our goal at first to make short films. Eventually we graduated into a full length movie. I have downloaded the shorts on this page for you to view. The full length has been submitted to film festivals. I have upload a trailer. These were all filmed in Hawaii where my husband and I live.
I also added another page with storyboards which I drew to clarify screens.
Our first few short movies were horror. They're easy to film and cost is minimal. The tag line was "There is no such thing as happily ever after".
I haven't watched this in years but, we were just getting started. Kind of learning on the job.
This was the third short we made. I think the photography was improving along with my editing.
We went to the Chinatown parade and I filmed it just for fun. I wanted to work on my editing skills.
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